
We offer an extensive array of services for home users and small to medium  business that don’t have their own dedicated IT department.


We know everything about Apple. OSX iOS and all the hardware. We can help you with any query


Synology are world renowned in the NAS arena. They can deliver enterprise grade services for a fraction of the cost. And we know how to set them up so you can utilise them to the maximum benefit.

Click here for more information.

Microsoft Windows

Running Windows 7,8 or 10 and having issues? We can help out. Looking at running networked and managed users? We have cloud options to make managing both users and machines easier.

Electronic Forms

Are you still using paper based forms then keying them into a document? If so we can show you how to use electronic forms then output the results in any format you need.


Having issues with your network at home or in the office? We can provide you an assessment and recommendations on how to improve your performance.

Cloud Computing

Everyone has heard about “The Cloud” but are you unsure of what it can do for you? We will give you the best solution for your needs.